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发表于 2017-7-19 08:39:54 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



  Maybe you will say the legend of 1900 is a literary film without any strange creature or kongfu,but it is truly a great film.No film will  attract me from the beginning to the end like the legend of 1900.No film can make me think seriously about the life in the world like this film.In my eyes,I think it is the best film I have ever seen.
The greastest success of the film is the shock that it brings to people. As an orphan,the leading role 1900 was left on a piano,then he was adopted by a worker on the boat. He has gone through a happy time with the worker,but the worker is dead when he was eight years old.Then he began to show his unique talent on the piano,everyone who has listened his music on the boat—Virginia was being touch by his skills and his met his only friend—Maxs who was a trumpeter.Not before too long,his talent on piano has been heard by the father of jazz.Konwing the 1900 can mix ten kinds of jazz on his music,he decided to have a duel with 1900 in front of the public on the Virginia,but he was shocked by 1900’s talent and leaving.Then his friend maxs said to him that he should go to the land to play for the public,he believed that the world would be crazy for his music and he will own everything what he wanted,but 1900 never decide to left the boat or even let his music left him as a record heared by the others.On once occasion,he loved a girl who listened his music carefuilly,he decided to left the boat to visit the girl,but he giving up this mind when he saw the street and buildings on the land.In the end,he never left the boat and being blown up with the boat by lots of bomb,even choosing to be dead with the abandoned boat he rufuse to go to the land.What impressed me most was the talking between maxs,Maxs was moved to tears by what he said and I was touched deeply by what he said too.As a person,he didn’t has a country ,he didn’t even have a birth date or a birth date.there are no record on any books.As if he has never exsited .In his words, he didn’t exsit for anyone.The film contain more that I don’t know how to express them .In a word, it absolutely is a excellent film.


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