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发表于 2017-6-23 09:10:27 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



The story begins with a feather, when the feather stops, our main character, Forrest, appear at our sight. He is waiting the bus and talking his own fantastic story to other people who also waiting for the bus.

Forrest was not a clever boy, even stupid. He also worn a tool on his leg because he could not walk like common people. He was the famous idiot in the local town, everybody liked to bully him. One day, he got out of the tool and he found he was able to run, run fast. His mother played an important role in his life, she always helped her son understand he was the same with other people, do not have any difference. One of his mother saying, people should do best by the god gives him, which give me a deep impression. After he was graduated, he joined in army, and had a new life.

During the Vietnam War, his best friend, B, who would like to be a capture of a shrimp boat. He and Forrest took care of each other. But, unfortunately, B had shot in this war and died. Forrest was sad and he decided to finish B’s dream. He bought a boat, the money is from his award of army. He and the Dan Lieutenant hold the shrimp boat together, and they earned a lot of money. They also did other thing. Finally, they became Billionaires. By the way, the Dan Lieutenant lost his two legs in the war and Forrest saved him. At first, he hatred Forrest, because he did not want to live any more. But later, he gain happiness and he was thanks to Forrest for his saving.

The major actress in this movie is Jenny, the girl Forrest loved forever. She was the only person who helped Forrest when he was bullied by other people. At that time, he fell in love with that girl. Although, Jenney didn’t be with him all the time and be absent in part of his life, he felt she was always be with him and supported, encouraged and gave him energy. At last, they had a smart and cute son, Jenney born him and told Forrest three years later. But Jenny got a sick. However, they reunion together, and had a happy time.

Love the setting of Forrest, his IQ just has 75 degree, not approach the normal children. But, he was good at running and playing Ping Pong and he became famous because of these. Not just the talent people can have the miracle, people who are not smart but do best by what god gives him, they also have the opportunities to have miracle, even do better than other people. Me either, I am not smart, but I will do best by what god gives me. Life is like a chocolate box, pick one of them, you never know what the taste of the next one.


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