Warriors Of The Word United

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发表于 2014-7-12 11:19:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Warriors Of The Word United《

Here Our Soldiers Stand From All Around The World 这里,我们的战士们来自世界各地

Waiting In A Line To Hear The Battle Cry 排队等待着倾听战斗的哭喊

All Are Gathered Here Victory Is Near 在这里全都集合完毕胜利接近

The Sound Will Fill The Hall Bringing Power To Us All 将充斥这大厅的声音为我们全体带来力量

We Alone Are Fighting For Metal That Is True 我们孤独地为金属而战,真的

We Own The Right To Live The Fight We're Here For All Of You 我们拥有

Now Swear The Blood Upon Your Steel Will Never Dry 现在祈祷你的利剑上的鲜血将永不干涸

Stand And Fight Together Beneath The Metal Sky 站起来并战斗,一道在金属的天空下

Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们

Raise Your Hands Into The Air

We're Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士

Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电

Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡

We're Warriors 我们是战士

Warriors Of The World 世界的战士

Many Stand Against Us But They Will Never Win 很多人站起来反对我们但他们永远不会胜利

We Said We Would Return And Here We Are Again 我们说过我们将会回来现在我们就又到了这里

To Bring Them All Destruction Suffering And Pain 给他们带来全部摧毁、折磨与痛苦

We Are The Hammer Of The Gods We Are Thunder Wind And Rain 我们是众神之锤,我们是雷电、狂风和暴雨

There They Wait In Fear With Swords In Feeble Hands 他们在那恐惧中等待软弱的手中握着

With Dreams To Be A King First One Should Be A Man 梦想成为国王你要首先学会做一个男人

I Call Them Out And Charge Them All With A Life That Is A Lie 我把他们召唤出来,因谎言的生命控告他们

And In Their Final Hour They Shall Confess Before They Die 而最后一刻他们将在死去之前忏悔

Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们 Raise Your Hands Into The Air 把你们的手举到空中

We're Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士

Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电

Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡

We're Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界战士

If I Should Fall In Battle My Brothers Who Fight By My Side 假如我将要在战斗中倒下,我身边战斗的兄弟们

Gather My Horse And Weapons Tell My Family How I Died 集起我的马匹与武器,告知我的家人我如何死去

Until Then I Will Be Strong I Will Fight For All That Is Real 那以后我将会强大,我将会为真实的一切而战

All Who Stand In My Way Will Die By Steel 挡在我道路上的都将死于钢铁之下

Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们

Raise Your Hands Into The Air 把你们的手举到空中

We're Warriors 我们是战士

Warriors Of The World 世界的战士

Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电

Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡

We're Warriors 我们是战士

Warriors Of The World 世界的战士

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