流行教主Gwen Stefani 带来《Wind It Up》

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发表于 2007-8-7 14:14:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
High on a hill was a lonely goatherd lay od lay od lay he hoo
Yodell back with the girl and goatherd lay od lay od low
Wind it up
Wind it up uh uh uh uh
Yodellay yodallay yodal low
This is the key that makes us wind up
When the beat comes on the girls all line up
And the boys all look but no they cant touch
But the girls want to know why boys like us so much
They like the way we dance they like the way we work
They like that way that L A M B is going across my shirt
They like the way my pants it compliments my shape Shes crazy right
They like the way we react everytime we dance
Everytime the bass bangs realize it calls your name
Let the beat wind you up and dont stop till your time is up
Get in line now
Wind it up uh uh uh uh
Wind it up uh uh uh uh
Yodellay yodallay yodal low
Youve got to let the beat get under your skin
Youve got to open up and let it all in
But see once it gets in the popping begins
Then youll find out why all the boys stare
Theyre trying to bite our style
Trying to study our approach
They like the way we do it so original
I guess that they are slow so they should leave the room
This beat is for the clubs and cars that go
Everytime the bass bangs realize it calls your name
Let the beat wind you up and dont stop till your time is up
Get in line now
Uh uh uh wind it up uh uh uh uh
Yall ready
Wind it up uh uh uh uh
Wind it up uh uh uh uh
Yodellay yodallay yodal low
Uh huh its your moment
Uh huh come on girl you know you own it
Uh huh you know your key is still tick tockin
Hell yeah and you know theyre watching
Get it girl get it get it girl
Get it girl get it get it girl
To the font to the side
To the back but dont let him ride
Keep going girl its your night
Dont let him steal your light
I know he thinks youre fine and stuff
But does he know how to wind you up
Come on
Wind it up uh uh uh uh
Wind it up uh uh uh uh

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